To fully understand this process I've been watching a few short but highly informative videos on Youtube. There are loads of videos that can describe the full details of how cancer cells are formed and duplicated to attack and feed of the habitat the organism provides.
I'm more focused however on the the changing of the cell due to prolonged changing of selected information from within DNA. This may be brought on by an unhealthy lifestyle or habit.
My initial idea consists if a 3 act story:
The first being the growing of a brand new cell and first leads into the reason it may be corrupted
The corruption of the cell after its old age, it forgetting its purpose and believing its a young cell again, possibly causing it duplicate (maybe)
Finally, Either its imminent destruction of its self or by other cells (possibly T cells); or its ultimate success that is mass multiplication of it fatal existence.
Both endings could lead to engaging story either technically or metaphorically. I'm leaning more towards a metaphorical method of approaching this scenario.