More Thumbnails and Ideas
08:07I want my city to be completely self automated constantly moving with a Utopian core and its citizens carrying a humanitarian belief system....
07:47Close your eyes, take deep breath and hold it in for second, then as you exhale, suspend your understanding of science and logic as it has ...
CubeFace Animation
04:25CubeFace_Animation from Mike on Vimeo .
CubeFace_Animation from Mike on Vimeo.
After Effects Tutorial
04:23I found this a little tricky at first but kind of got the hang of some the tool in the end.
More Research
07:56Futurist and other Artsyle Inspiration I decided to branch my research out to other artists around the world that i believe may hav...
Some Final building designs and ideas
10:06The shapes of the buildings in these thumbnails are exactly what im looking for, taking my inspiration from the giant crystalline caves...
Ghia is the Heart of Argia
17:45There are a few themes presented by the extract of Argia that I am focusing on. Since it is underground i immediately thought of the earths ...
To show this i thought the city from the outside look could like a giant woman and city is within her. Also by showing there is a strong worship/guidance of the her feminine energy. I can do this successfully with statues, engravings, patterns, and building shapes and spacing.
Exploration of different city locations
17:14My goal in whilst painting these thumbnails was to create different types spaces whilst maintaining a singular atmosphere, i want this ...
Exterior and Interior Influence maps
15:10Exterior Interior
Argia Influence map
06:04These images display strong themes that id would like to employ with in the architecture of my chosen city Argia.
Bowling Ball, Ping Pong Ball and Tennis Ball Bounce ( weight differences)
BookWorm Monster Color
10:02I haven't shaded yet but i'm i happy with way its turning out so far
BookWorm Monster
08:32Took me a little while to get used to the controls in illustrator but i'm happy with this finished outline.
Time and space
08:25Playing with time and space Pendulum the right way Pendulum the wrong way
LORN - ANVIL [Official Music Video]
09:30I found this video on youtube and thought it was cold... really helps the creative juices flow. Iv'e followed Lorn's music for c...
I found this video on youtube and thought it was cold... really helps the creative juices flow. Iv'e followed Lorn's music for couple years now and in my opinion the videos created for the music really intensifies the artwork as whole. Enjoy...
09:14To help my thought process Jordan suggested exploring my chosen city with a wordstorm. So i literally wrote down what ever came to my head a...
Animation Tutorial : Me morphing into Food.
10:05I wanted to come up with a creative way to transform into a lollipop so i thought pulling my hat over head would suffice nicely a hardenin...